How To Make Money Blogging ( If you have ever thought about being a professional blogger but were afraid that you would never be able to make money blogging or had no idea how to go about it, then this article is for you!Remember: Successful bloggers diversify their income, meaning they make money from a variety of different sources. If you’re willing to put...
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How To Find That Perfect Domain Name! Are you still looking for that perfect domain name? We have five tips that can help: 1. Keep it short and memorable, if possible Since all of the 3 and 4 letter domains are probably taken, start your search with 5 letters but try to keep it under 10, if possible. You should also try to keep...
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by Chase Jarvis Here is a list of 10 things I’ve learned the hard way that every photographer, designer, creative–hell, every creative person–should know. 1. Experts aren’t the answer. The blogs, the teachers, the mentors, the seminars aren’t the answer. They’re not there to tell you exactly what you need to know. If they’re good, then they are there to give you some ideas,...
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